apparel with attitude

ignore what’s going on around you; dig deep, train ugly

your life, your goals, your work ethic

  • What Sparked Train Yourself Ugly?

    Conversations during one of our typical face-distorting training sessions sparked an idea. To design and print some epic images on quality apparel, and create a brand to inspire; a brand that people would be proud to wear. We train hard, we train intensely, we train with purpose, and we don't care what we look like while we're doing it!

  • Apparel With Attitude

    No matter what your passion is, we're sure you'll find something in our range that brings out the beast in you! So whether you live in the gym like us, or you're outside on the pavement or the field, learn to love the hard work and make yourself proud. Train big, train hard, train ugly!

  • What is Ugly?

    The word ugly is medieval in origin. It’s from Old Norse and it means to be feared or dreaded. To make real change, to reach your goals, and to grow as a person requires you to do things you’re a little (or a lot) fearful of. Those ugly training sessions which have your muscles spasming, your limbs shaking, and your mind playing tricks on you!

  • Perseverance

    "Being great is about more than
    just the final achievement. It’s about the struggle, the resilience, and the
    wisdom that only comes from overcoming adversity along the way. Hard times are
    inevitable, but the perseverance shown through challenging times is what
    separates the good from the great."

    - from an article by Charlie Bilello

  • Do the Hard Ugly Work

    Although our name, Train Yourself Ugly, was inspired by the grimacing faces of tough sessions in the gym, there’s more to training ugly than just facial expressions. It’s doing the stuff you know is hard, it’s doing the work and doing it fully, it’s doing the things you sometimes fear. Go all in, do the hard ugly work, and reap the rewards!!!