about us

We’ve trained together for a number of years, in various gyms and for various goals.

The gym is a place of growth both physically and mentally. It’s a place to build strength, perseverance, grit and determination, and of course it’s a place to build the physique you truly desire!  But to build those things, you must give it your all, and to give it your all you must become passionate about the hard work. 

Strength training is powerful in so many ways both physically and mentally, building confidence, perseverance and patience. Learning your weaknesses and how to turn them into strengths. Learning how to deal with the frustrations you will feel along your journey. Learning to not give a fuck what your training face looks like!

During one of our typical face-distorting sessions, a conversation sparked an idea and there the concept of Train Yourself Ugly (TYU) was born. To create some epic apparel designs and inspire people to train like the badass they really want to be!

Train Yourself Ugly is more than just the facial expressions of an intense workout though. It’s intensity. It’s commitment. It’s doing what’s required, and then some. It’s doing it over and over and over again and loving it. It’s work ethic.

Train big, train hard, train ugly!

Follow our blog and socials for more of our journey.